Product ID - UPCs/EANs/GTINs/Barcodes

Product ID is a unique identifier of your product. It is a 10 to 14 digit number commonly known as a Barcode or Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs). There are various types of GTINs, the most common ones used on Amazon are Universal Product Codes (UPCs), International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs), European Article Numbers (EANs) and Japanese Article Numbers (JANs).

Where do I find the Product ID?

You can find the product ID (barcode) on your product or product packaging as shown below:

Is Product ID mandatory to add products?

No, Product ID is not mandatory to add products. You can add products without a product ID, if it is already being sold on Amazon by any other seller. However, product ID is mandatory to add a new product which is not already being sold on Amazon.

To learn more about adding existing and new products, watch videos on How to add a product which already exists on Amazon and How to create a new product on Amazon.

How do I add a product without a product ID and which is not already being sold on Amazon?

You can add products without a product ID, if you have:

  •  GTIN exemption: If you are a distributor or reseller of products, then you are eligible to apply for GTIN exemption. To learn more, watch video on How to apply for GTIN Exemption.
Important:  Notes.
  • Certain products are not allowed on the website under any conditions, even if you have a GTIN available. To learn more, read about Restricted Products. 
  • We verify the authenticity of product UPCs by checking the GS1 database. UPCs that do not match the information provided by GS1 will be considered invalid. We recommend obtaining your UPCs directly from GS1 (and not from other third parties selling UPC licences) to ensure the appropriate information is reflected in the GS1 database. 
  • All invalid product UPC listings will be removed and may result in your ASIN creation or selling privileges being temporarily or permanently removed. For more information on licensing UPCs from GS1, see the GS1 standard website.